New Bombardier Global 8000 In the Works
Another Bombardier aircraft is upon us, we think. Different from the ultra-long-range Global 7500, the Global 8000 travel range is planned to increase by 300nm (555 km) to 7,900 nautical miles (14,631 km); the Global 7500 is 33.8m (111 ft) in length with a 16.6m cabin; and now connects some of the world’s most unprecedented city pairings: Los Angeles to Dubai, Sydney to Sao Paulo, Tokyo to San Juan.
Bombardier’s flagship family of Global aircraft uniquely covers the large business jet category with six aircraft models, including its flagship ultra-long-range Global 7500 aircraft (and now the Global 8000). The newest edition to the family will feature next-generation fly-by-wire technology and a Bombardier Vision flight deck that blends cutting-edge avionics with exceptional ergonomics and aesthetics for optimal comfort and control.
Development on the Global 8000 is still in the works. Pre-sales have not begun and the Montreal-based company is still assessing the market. Bombardier has re-emphasized its commitment to bringing the aircraft to market. ’We are still exploring options on the Global 8000. There are a number of items we are working on with an eye on what that would be,’’ Stephen McCollough, Vice President of Engineering and Product Development said.
While activity on the Global 8000 is picking up, McCullough says it is “fair comment,” to suggest that the Global 8000’s specifications will change from their current guise as “taking a bit of cabin out for 200 extra nautical miles is not intuitively something that would be a differentiator.”
The unique selling point of any Bombardier aircraft, however, is cabin design. One that weaves comfort, connectivity, innovation, and expert engineering into a seamless, ultra-long-range experience. Here’s Bombardier Business Aircraft’s Industrial Design Manager, Tim Fagan.
“The specification process for personalizing a Bombardier business aircraft to completion typically takes place over several meetings,” he says. “The Bombardier Business Aircraft team focus primarily on gathering information about the customer: their plans for the aircraft, frequent missions, city pairings, and how many passengers would typically be aboard.”
The total volume of the Global 8000’s cabin is 2,236 cubic feet, smaller than that of the Global 7000. The cabin has three zones and 195 cubic feet of baggage compartment volume make up for a smaller cabin.
Then there is Bombardier’s technological innovation. First, there is the fly-by-wire system. Fly-by-wire technology replaces conventional flight controls and allows the aircraft’s computers to perform tasks without the pilot’s input to stabilize the aircraft for smooth, uninterrupted flight.
Bombardier’s Nuage seat adds another dimension of luxury previously, the first new seat architecture in business aviation in thirty years. Bombardier’s Nuage seating architecture becomes key because it facilitates the kind of movement that reflects the desires, personal tastes, and lifestyles of their clientele. Nuage seating is the industry’s first new seating architecture in 30 years.
Designed to maximize comfort and relaxation on long-haul flights, Nuage introduces an all-new, ergonomically perfected deep recline position – unavailable on any other business aircraft. Unlike other aircraft seats where only the back pivots, pushing the body forward and leading to discomfort, Nuage dips the seat as the back is reclined, fully cradling the body and ensuring optimal comfort.
Like the Global 7500, Global 8,000 will reach a top speed of Mach 0.925, will cruise at 0.85 with a capacity of up to 17 passengers and four crew members. Priced at $65 million, top-notch connectivity, functionality, comfort, layout, and aesthetics are impressively transformed into an extension of one’s personality, something the ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) absolutely cannot live without. And when it finally comes to market, the Global 8000 will be more than a luxury business jet; it just may be the penultimate expression of exclusivity.