The Airbus ACJ319 Is So Luxurious It Gives Your Lifestyle Wings
The Telegraph recently published a video asking, “Is the Airbus ACJ319 the most luxurious private jet in the world?” Though it’s hard to be objective and declare this magnificent plane to be so, the ACJ319 is a monumental aircraft in the world of private luxury air lining.
Airbus ACJ319’s clientele alone proves that this is a plane for serious customers, “Our clientele consists of 2/3 billionaires, and then the last third mixed between companies and governments,” says David Velupillai, Airbus Marketing Director.
The airplane’s accommodations are commensurate with its clientele, incorporating the tallest and widest cabin of any business jet in the world. Whether you are holding meetings, relaxing or sleeping, or celebrating great success, the cabin provides enough room for all those activities to be going on by different people simultaneously.
Costing $87 million, the ACJ319 counts a number of governments among its clients, among those of Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Brazil Malaysia and Thailand. There are other governments that own the jet as well, but according to Velupillai many of them don’t want to be named as owners, perhaps (NOTE: speculation) due to connotations held by various publics about their governments flying around in near-$100 million jets.
The cabin can be specified to the needs of the individual clients. Maybe you like watching movies when you fly? Why not a personal airborne move theatre? Fancy yourself something of a foodie? How about a full-dining table catered by the finest foods you’ll find amongst the clouds. Flying can be nerve-racking, perhaps some drinks to mellow the angst, that’s fine as long as you have a fully stocked bar. An even better, the ACJ319’s cabin is so big at 80 square meters, or “About the size of a luxury apartment,” according to Velupillai, that you can have all three of these items with room to spare. Airbus is always very cognizant of how their clients live, “What customers are looking for is to give wings to their lifestyles,” says Velupillai, “That want somewhere to discuss business, someplace to have lunch, someplace to relax, perhaps a cinema, and certainly somewhere to sleep and to wash.”
Airbus hands decoration specificities over to the clients, allowing them to choose various fabrics that are used in the interior and even allowing them to hire their own interior designers.
Like all Airbus jets, the ACJ319 has the company’s common cockpit , “With the same layout of instruments and controls, plus similar handling qualities and procedures – making it easier for pilots to transition from one type to another, while saving time and money,” according to a press release by the company.
The Airbus ACJ319 is a corporate jet for those of the wealthy and powerful that for lack of a better term, hate flying. It’s so luxurious, spacious, and loaded with extras that one might feel like he/she is still back at their luxury apartment, conducting business, relaxing, and dining on fine foods.